34 Reasons I Love Jamie Dornan

Today is Jamie Dornan’s 34th birthday! So, in honor of this beautiful, perfect man, I’ve compiled a list of the 34 reasons I love him.

1. He’s seriously GORGEOUS!

    It’s not really what I would call fair… There is a level to this kind of hotness that makes me believe in a higher power, and that sometimes, they like to show off.

2. This picture of him holding a football.

Do I need to say anything else?

3. He’s a dork.

He doesn’t take himself very seriously, which makes him irresistible. Nothing brightens my day more than seeing pictures of him on set doing weird things or goofing around, except maybe this video of him reading catalogues- but sexy.

4. His walk.

He’s very self conscious about this apparently but I think it’s adorable. The strange thing is that I didn’t even notice it until he pointed it out.

5. He’s a loving and devoted father.

Who’s heart doesn’t melt when they see a man absolutely infatuated with their children? Seriously, almost too much for me to handle.

Be Still My Heart

6. His accent.

I’m not going to lie… I’ve never been one to swoon for accents. Australian… okay. British… meh. But with Jamie, his deep timber and smooth Northern Irish accent is just icing an already delectable double chocolate fudge brownie cake.

7. This Calvin Klein ad.

Golden Torso? Golden…

8. His beard.

I’ve written about it before, but that’s because this love is real. I know the realities of facial hair… it’s sharp, it’s scratchy, it collects things… Overall, I’m not interested. But on Jamie… yes, please.


9. This .gif


I can’t really tell you what it is about it… but it’s my favorite .gif of all time, which is saying something because Britney Spears isn’t even in it.

10. He’s adorable

He’s humble and he’s sweet and, just like a puppy in a pet store, I want to take him home and keep him forever.


11. His hot bod.

Warning, gratuitous eye candy below:

12. This interview:

13. The Fall.

This is quite possibly my favorite show on the air today (hint: get your shit together BBC and release season 3). Sexy Jamie Dornan as a serial killer who strangles women in their beds and gets up to sexual mischief in all kinds of different ways? Umm yes please.


14. His love for his wife.

Okay, so 99.9% of the time, I like to pretend that he isn’t married so that I don’t feel weird about my obsession with him. But the other .01% of the time, I totally find his devotion to his wife outrageously, soul-crushingly, fantastic. I mean, he took his wife to a Rihanna concert. That’s love. Amelia Warner, you are one lucky lady.


15. Fairytale by Sons of Jim.

Did you know that Jamie Dornan was in a band? Did you know that that band was really good? This is my favorite song.

16. This .gif:


17. This time that he got really excited by this picture name card of himself at a table.


18. He used to be a model

Now this may just sound like a repeat of #1, but in fact it is entirely different. Whereas most celebrities, you’re limited to paparazzi pictures, photos from premiers or award shows, publicity stills, and the occasional Instagram post, we have amazing pictures of Jamie that are seemingly endless.

19. He doesn’t post much on social media but when he does, it’s gold.



Did I mention he’s hilarious?

20. After much contention, he’s my perfect Christian Grey.

I was not team Jamie when it was announced he was taking over for Charlie Hunnam, not because I was attached to Charlie, but because of my reservations with Jamie which probably have a lot to do with the fact I didn’t believe anyone could live up to Christian Grey… I wrote several twitter rants ending with #NotMyChristian but here, in front of the world, I would now like to redact that statement. You Jamie, are #MyChristian.


21. He loves FRIENDS

So, this was part of the whole #askjamiedornan thing that happened while he was promoting Fifty Shades of Grey in 2015. Someone asks, “What’s your favorite TV Show?” and wouldn’t you know it, we have this in common.


I’m a Monica… Jamie, please be my Chandler.

22. He makes fun of Dakota Johnson in a completely adorable way.

I hate when people say these two hate each other. I don’t know where that comes from. They’re so cute, I can’t handle it.

23. His tongue.

And his enjoyment of showing it off.


24. This .gif


25. He likes puppies.

Seriously solidifying heartthrob status right now.


26. He plays sports and is kind of a trickster.


27. He makes golf interesting.

Part of me believes that watching the US Open should be outlawed under the provisions of the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution… but then again, when Jamie does it, I suddenly find this sport fascinating.


28. He’s a method actor.

For Fifty Shades of Grey he visited a real BDSM sex dungeon and for The Fall, he actually stalked a woman around London for an afternoon. Mostly I appreciate this because I like to think that one day, I could be that woman…

29. He’s really good at kissing scenes.

Like, really good…





Excuse me for a minute.

30. He gets embarrassed.

Dakota has a problem controlling her mouth sometimes, and Jamie’s reaction is priceless…

31. He’s a gentleman.

It’s not always easy walking around a multi-million dollar yacht in a ball gown, but Jamie is always willing to led a helping hand.


Even if it’s just climbing out of a limo in heels.


32. He likes cheesecake.

Which is excellent because I love cheesecake and I feel like this is something we could bond over.


33. This .gif.


**And Last But Not Least**

34. His smile

tumblr_nk17vhtzes1sioes4o1_500 It’s a whole new level of adorable hotness…

Happy Birthday Jamie! 

I suppose today I’ll be wishingjamiedornanwashere 🙂